I'm coming up on Portuguese television tomorrow, at 14h00 on "a dois:", the second public TV channel.
I was interviewed around a month ago for 2010, a weekly magazine on science and technology. They originally contacted me because they're doing some kind of feature on physics or science blogs. I am no longer a physicist, having permanently moved to IT in 1998, when I started working for Sun, but I did help a bunch of ex-colleagues set up a physics-centric blog called FisicosLX (Lx is common shorthand for Lisbon, Portugal). Since I already had my own blog, I actually never did contribute much to FisicosLX, and I told as much to the reporter who contacted me. However, Aristarco, the main contributor to FisicosLx, wasn't readily available, so they still chose to interview me in connection with my own Olifante's Lair.
On my suggestion, we did the interview at the new public garden located near Casa da Moeda, where the old tram- then bus-station used to exist. It's a nice addition to my neighbourhood, which is sorely lacking green spaces. Even if it's a bit smallish, it's quite a pleasant spot -- surely one of the few good things to come out of Santana Lopes' disastrous turn as Mayor of Lisbon (another one was the Keil do Amaral amphiteather in Monsanto).
I remember not being nervous at all, and happily yapping my mouth for what must have been ages. Unfortunately I don't remember much of what I said, which can't be a good sign :-)
I can't wait to discover how big a fool I made of myself.
Estou mesmo agora a ver-te, ficaste bem! Parabéns!
Posted by: Cctoide | 2006.01.15 at 15:43
Alguma ideia de quando o programa repete?
Posted by: Bruno Martins | 2006.01.16 at 18:30
Obrigado, Cctoide!
Bruno: Não sei quando ou mesmo se repete. Sei que deu RTP África no Sábado (antes mesmo de passar na 2:), pode ser que volte a dar no RTP Internacional.
De qualquer forma não tem muito que ver, foram só duas ou três frases que apareceram...
Posted by: Olifante | 2006.01.17 at 02:49
Olá! Eu vi o 2010, exactamente quando estavas a ser entrevistado, e achei que não tinhas feito figura de idiota, antes pelo contrário!
Eu também tenho um blog: http://anajoana.name
Posted by: Ana Joana | 2006.01.17 at 19:10